And we have answers for you. Please reach us at Info@irongoddessmotorcycleshow.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Is this show for females only?
The Iron Goddess Motorcycle Show will welcome ALL spectators. The Show however is an ALL Female Motorcycle Show, which means only female owned bikes will be on display. This ones for the Ladies.
Are only female vendors allowed?
While the Iron Goddess Motorcycle show will be primarily centered around the Female Motorcycle Community, we understand that a lot of popular brands are male owned. Therefore all vendors are welcome to apply using the link above. Brands that only sell male items will be placed in our Daddy Day Care area.
Do I need to buy a ticket to be counted towards breaking the world record?
Yes, everyone attending the Show must purchase a ticket. A part of the proceeds from the show will be donated directly to the Iron Goddess Foundation. For more information on the Foundation click on the link in our menu.
Are cuts / colors allowed?
Can you purchase tickets at
Yes, tickets will be sold at the door, however we expect a great turn out. To avoid lines we recommend purchasing tickets online
Are kids allowed?
Yes kids are allowed. Kids under the age of 16 are free with adult ticket purchase
When can we register our bikes for the show?
Registration link is now live. Click on the tour link to register for any of our shows.